A website design company would ask you to choose among two options – readymade website design templates or custom website design. Using website design templates save time and it is a low budget option. However, there are numerous advantages that custom website design has over website templates. Custom web design is the result of interaction between the web design company and the website owner in which the preferences of the latter are hugely taken into consideration.
So, what is the need of having a custom web design when it is a time consuming and high budget process? Let’s find it out in the following discussion.
To Make Website a Corporate Property
Websites are no less than assets. A custom website design is like a corporate property that builds a unique corporate identity for the company it belongs to. The website templates might render an already seen look to your website. Moreover, a competitor’s website with similar website template might already exist on the web. So, custom website design helps you to establish your company’s identity in the cyber space.
Branding through Custom Website
A company which has already established itself in the market can incorporate its branding into the custom website design. On the other hand, a new company can build its branding through the custom website design. This is possible when you get company’s logos and other graphics customized. You can use the customized logos and graphics on letterheads, brochures and at other places to publicize your brand.
Making Search Engine Friendly Website
A web development company should help you construct a custom website design which is search engine friendly as well. Website design templates are not designed to be search engine friendly and you mighty need to change their background code to make them capable of good search engine ranking. A custom website design is made search engine friendly from the very beginning.
Enhancing the Compatibility
Many web design templates have features that run fine on specific browsers only. To make a website which is compatible with different browsers, it must be customized. A website design company has the right expertise to make a custom website compatible with various web browsers and platforms.
Future Expansion Needs
A business owner is well-aware of his future business needs. So, a custom web design helps the website owner to keep the room for expansion in the future. A good Web Design Company uses the right technologies to increase the scalability of the custom website.
Self Management
Finally, self-management of a custom website design is much easier than that of an unknown template design.
As you can see, there are many advantages that make a custom web design better than a web design template. EXL Interactive is one website design company India offers to the world. The web design company offers custom web design as one of its services, apart from flash website design and e-commerce website design.
Article Source :- http://www.buzzle.com/articles/why-should-you-prefer-to-have-custom-website-design.html
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
What Qualities an E-commerce Website Design Should Have?
E-commerce websites connect the internet users to the most convenient way of shopping. The online buyers rely heavily on the way an e-commerce website has been designed. To ensure that you don’t lose the potential buyers due to incompetent website design, you must choose a good website design company. However, you must be familiar with the features that make an e-commerce website design useful and competitive. Here is a discussion on what you should expect from a good e-commerce website design.
Professional Look and Feel
Just that you are selling artistic goods and colorful attires doesn’t mean that your e-commerce online store should be designed in an informal style. Maintaining professional look and feel is an important aspect of an e-commerce website irrespective of the products sold by it. It is better to have a look at the websites previously designed by the web design company.
Easy Navigation
The e-commerce website should be easy to navigate. For this, it is important to make the links of other web pages visible on every page of the website. The navigation menu should be strategically placed on the web pages so that the users are able to find it easily. Also, the navigation link anchor texts should be relevant and easy to understand.
Fast Loading
A good website design and Web Development Company India should make an e-commerce design which takes less time to load. The number of flash objects and background images should be less as they contribute towards the loading time. It is an obvious fact that most of the users don’t relate with the e-commerce websites that try their patience.
No Cluttering
One of the biggest mistakes done on an e-commerce website is to make it cluttered with product images, product descriptions and other things. Especially the main page of the website should make the impression by maintaining simplicity and informative content. The visitor to the website should learn at the first instance that he or she is at the right place for shopping.
Good Search Tools
Your e-commerce website might have hundreds of products to sell in different categories. So, every visitor to the website would like to make his search through these categories easy. If a visitor already knows what exactly he wishes to purchase, he would like to search for the same rather than to wander through the categories. An e-commerce website should have the quality of a good search engine.
A good website design company would not use frames in e-commerce designs. It also maintains consistency in design for different web pages so that the user doesn’t get distracted. In a nutshell, a good Web Design Company comes up with a reliable and capable e-commerce design.
EXL Interactive has expertise in rendering effective and apt web design India is known for. The website development company has the proficiency in making e-commerce websites profitable for the online business owners.
Article Source :- http://www.buzzle.com/articles/what-qualities-an-ecommerce-website-design-should-have.html
Professional Look and Feel
Just that you are selling artistic goods and colorful attires doesn’t mean that your e-commerce online store should be designed in an informal style. Maintaining professional look and feel is an important aspect of an e-commerce website irrespective of the products sold by it. It is better to have a look at the websites previously designed by the web design company.
Easy Navigation
The e-commerce website should be easy to navigate. For this, it is important to make the links of other web pages visible on every page of the website. The navigation menu should be strategically placed on the web pages so that the users are able to find it easily. Also, the navigation link anchor texts should be relevant and easy to understand.
Fast Loading
A good website design and Web Development Company India should make an e-commerce design which takes less time to load. The number of flash objects and background images should be less as they contribute towards the loading time. It is an obvious fact that most of the users don’t relate with the e-commerce websites that try their patience.
No Cluttering
One of the biggest mistakes done on an e-commerce website is to make it cluttered with product images, product descriptions and other things. Especially the main page of the website should make the impression by maintaining simplicity and informative content. The visitor to the website should learn at the first instance that he or she is at the right place for shopping.
Good Search Tools
Your e-commerce website might have hundreds of products to sell in different categories. So, every visitor to the website would like to make his search through these categories easy. If a visitor already knows what exactly he wishes to purchase, he would like to search for the same rather than to wander through the categories. An e-commerce website should have the quality of a good search engine.
A good website design company would not use frames in e-commerce designs. It also maintains consistency in design for different web pages so that the user doesn’t get distracted. In a nutshell, a good Web Design Company comes up with a reliable and capable e-commerce design.
EXL Interactive has expertise in rendering effective and apt web design India is known for. The website development company has the proficiency in making e-commerce websites profitable for the online business owners.
Article Source :- http://www.buzzle.com/articles/what-qualities-an-ecommerce-website-design-should-have.html
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Top 7 Mistakes that Turn Website Design Worthless

A website is meant to attract and involve online users and finally give them good reasons to purchase the website’s products and services. A bad website design fails to achieve the above-mentioned goals for a business website. You must have come across the bad website designs that leave the users frustrated and companies out of business.
The main reason for a bad web design is the selection of an inexperienced website design company. A good web design and website development company takes care of things that turn a website design bad. Here is a list of 7 common mistakes that lead to useless website design but are taken care of by an expert website designer.
Distracting Backgrounds
Backgrounds are meant to provide a professional backdrop to a website. A bad website design has background that distracts or displeases the visitors and makes the text difficult to read. Moreover, the images used a backgrounds make the websites difficult to load.
Inappropriate Text Style
Information displayed on a website is the best medium for the visitors to learn about it. A bad website design has font size too small or too big to read. Underlines and bolded paragraphs and use of italics too frequently too make the website design bad.
Use of Animations
Animations are not meant to be used excessively in a website design. Blinking text and animations often steal the efficacy of a website. An expert Web Design Company makes less use of such features so that a website has professional look and feel.
Interrupting Music
Background music is one of the most disastrous aspects of a website design. The automatic music played in loops and on every web page is definitely a part of the bad web design. It reduces the interest of online users in your website.
No HTML Validation
HTML validation is an important thing to do with a website design. Without proper validation, your website has fewer chances to get indexed in the search engine results. Moreover, such websites have slow loading pages.
Opening New Windows
Another thing that makes a website design bad is that a new tab or window is opened whenever a link on the website is clicked. An expert website design company understands that it can be frustrating for the users to navigate the website in different windows.
Non-Alignment of Different Elements
The website with cluttered design is a bad option for the online users. Text, images, videos, menu bars and all other elements of the website should be aligned to make the website presentable.
To ensure no such things happen to your website, you should rely on an expert website designing company. A good Website Design Company India has is EXL Interactive. The web design company renders website designs that help the businesses and the end users to achieve their respective goals.
Article Source :- http://www.buzzle.com/articles/top7-mistakes-that-turn-website-design-worthless.html
Monday, July 19, 2010
Stop at the Right Destination for Web Solutions
‘We create work that works’ – the tagline defines our talent and determination that keeps us moving. EXL Interactive is a website design company located in New Delhi, the national capital of India. Dedicated to invest the best of what the latest web technologies offer, the company offers a complete range of web designing and development solutions.
Being an expert Web Design Company that deals in Web 2.0 design, custom website design and Flash website design, we understand the importance of a good web design for our clients. Based on our understanding, we highlight the clients’ advantages and fulfill their needs through superlative website and logo designs.
EXL Interactive is a Web Development Company with a professional hand in e-commerce development, open source customization and development of other types of applications.
We extend our profile of being a web design company by offering online marketing services in the form of search engine optimization, PPC campaign and social media optimization. Our comprehensive web solution packages make us a trustworthy website design company India offers to the world.
Our aim is to deliver user-friendly web design in India and for websites around the globe. We work untiringly to help the clients acquire their goals of business growth, business promotion, profit generation and end-user satisfaction. Our expertise is not limited to deliver web designs that are good but we settle at nothing less than the best.
Being an expert Web Design Company that deals in Web 2.0 design, custom website design and Flash website design, we understand the importance of a good web design for our clients. Based on our understanding, we highlight the clients’ advantages and fulfill their needs through superlative website and logo designs.
EXL Interactive is a Web Development Company with a professional hand in e-commerce development, open source customization and development of other types of applications.
We extend our profile of being a web design company by offering online marketing services in the form of search engine optimization, PPC campaign and social media optimization. Our comprehensive web solution packages make us a trustworthy website design company India offers to the world.
Our aim is to deliver user-friendly web design in India and for websites around the globe. We work untiringly to help the clients acquire their goals of business growth, business promotion, profit generation and end-user satisfaction. Our expertise is not limited to deliver web designs that are good but we settle at nothing less than the best.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What Makes Quality Content an Integral Part of Website Development Process
A website’s success relies upon various factors and quality web content is indeed one of them. It is true to say that website development process encompasses the creation and use of informative content. However, more efforts are required to keep the website content up-to-date so that it keeps the website a fresh source of information. Website content can be broadly classified into three types:
• The static content that provides information about the company and need not be changed.
• The informative content provided in the form of articles on the website. A website owner must make regular efforts to update the information the website intends to provide to its regular visitors.
• The product and service descriptions that are added with the addition of new products and services.
The importance of quality content on a website can be understood from the following points:
Better Search Engine Rankings
Web content development is tone of the accepted ways of achieving higher ranks on various search engines. Embedding targeted keywords and keyword phrases in the web content helps the web pages to get indexed in the search engine result pages. Moreover, the websites that regularly update their content are preferably thrown in the search results by top search engines.
Adding Value to Website
Valuable web content adds value to a website. The content which is interesting and informative indicates that the website owner is well-versed with the trends of his or her niche. This indeed improves the image of the business and the business owner among the regular and first-time visitors to the website. Nobody can deny the fact that businesses that provide right information online are able to build credibility in the market.
Content Facilitates Link Building
Websites and blogs that find the content on your website prefer to provide links to the website on their web pages. This helps in link building which is an important search engine optimization strategy. Apart from improving the search engine ranks, this helps in making your website more visible among the targeted audience.
Ensuring the Revisits
A website visitor who gains information from quality web content would love to bookmark the website for future visits. He is likely to share the website link with other people in his contact lists. So, quality content ensures continuous flow of traffic.
Increasing the Sales
The online users prefer to learn about the products and services sold by a website before making a purchase. Web content available in the form of product descriptions and reviews should inspire the website visitors to purchase a product that he finds suitable for his needs.
To obtain quality web content, you need to hire professional services that are well-versed with the existing market trends. EXL Interactive considers web content development as a part of overall Web Development Company . The company also has expertise in the fields like flash games development and online marketing.
Article Source :- http://www.articlesengine.com/Article/What-Makes-Quality-Content-an-Integral-Part-of-Website-Development-Process/593776/1
• The static content that provides information about the company and need not be changed.
• The informative content provided in the form of articles on the website. A website owner must make regular efforts to update the information the website intends to provide to its regular visitors.
• The product and service descriptions that are added with the addition of new products and services.
The importance of quality content on a website can be understood from the following points:
Better Search Engine Rankings
Web content development is tone of the accepted ways of achieving higher ranks on various search engines. Embedding targeted keywords and keyword phrases in the web content helps the web pages to get indexed in the search engine result pages. Moreover, the websites that regularly update their content are preferably thrown in the search results by top search engines.
Adding Value to Website
Valuable web content adds value to a website. The content which is interesting and informative indicates that the website owner is well-versed with the trends of his or her niche. This indeed improves the image of the business and the business owner among the regular and first-time visitors to the website. Nobody can deny the fact that businesses that provide right information online are able to build credibility in the market.
Content Facilitates Link Building
Websites and blogs that find the content on your website prefer to provide links to the website on their web pages. This helps in link building which is an important search engine optimization strategy. Apart from improving the search engine ranks, this helps in making your website more visible among the targeted audience.
Ensuring the Revisits
A website visitor who gains information from quality web content would love to bookmark the website for future visits. He is likely to share the website link with other people in his contact lists. So, quality content ensures continuous flow of traffic.
Increasing the Sales
The online users prefer to learn about the products and services sold by a website before making a purchase. Web content available in the form of product descriptions and reviews should inspire the website visitors to purchase a product that he finds suitable for his needs.
To obtain quality web content, you need to hire professional services that are well-versed with the existing market trends. EXL Interactive considers web content development as a part of overall Web Development Company . The company also has expertise in the fields like flash games development and online marketing.
Article Source :- http://www.articlesengine.com/Article/What-Makes-Quality-Content-an-Integral-Part-of-Website-Development-Process/593776/1
Monday, July 12, 2010
Web 2.0 Design – Rendering Superior and Useful Website Designs

Internet has fast changed from being a source of collecting information to a platform that involves interaction and participation from the end-user. The transition can be easily seen with the popularity of social networking websites and blogs. The Web 2.0 technology is credited for bringing the change like a bang.
Web 2.0 website designing is a remarkable shift from the old Web 1.0 technology. If the internet era between 1996 and 2006 is analyzed, here are some amazing facts that surface:
• The number of websites increased from 250,000 in 1996 to 80,000,000 in 2006.
• The number of global internet users increased from 45 million in 1996 to over 1 billion in 2006.
• The read-only websites have turned into red-write websites.
• Most importantly, the two way communication has increased dramatically equal proportion of published content and user-generated content.
• And of course, the use of Web 1.0 in 1996 got replaced with Web 2.0 technology in around 2004.
If something has to be acknowledged with this changed face of the internet, there is nothing more eligible than the concept of Web 2.0 design. Let’s find out how Web 2.0 revolution gained superiority over old technologies.
Static vs. Dynamic Pages: While Web 1.0 was used to design static web pages, Web 2.0 technology provided tools to design dynamic pages.
Information Flow: The one-way information flow during the Web 1.0 era changed to mutual information flow with the advent of Web 2.0. Now, the end-users are able to contribute towards the information available on web. This has also led to switching from packaged data to user-created content.
Better Website Designs: Web 2.0 enables fantastic website template designing. Large and colorful fonts, large and narrow layouts, attention-grabbing logos and many such components have impressively improved the designs of websites.
Better Coding Structures: Web 2.0 has eliminated the need of using weighty table coding structures. XHTML and CSS formats bring flexible and clean designs for the websites.
Fast Loading Pages: With clean and less weighty designs, the overall server load has decreased. The loading time for Web 2.0 based designs has also reduced.
Support for New Browsers: The new generation web browsers are fully compatible with Web 2.0 design. Moreover, the Web 2.0 designs are accessible through mobile phones that are capable of accessing the internet.
Changing Nature of Websites: Earlier with Web 1.0, only individualized websites were designed an aim to provide information. With Web 2.0, one experiences the online fiesta with emergence of social networks, blogs, video sharing websites, discussion forums and many other similar websites.
The many advantages of Web 2.0 technology make it popular among website designers and online business owners. EXL Interactive is one of the experienced Website Design Company India that understand the usefulness of Web 2.0 website designing. The company makes use of the technology to render creative and excusive business-oriented Web 2.0 design.
Article Source :- http://www.articlesengine.com/Article/Web-2-0-Design---Rendering-Superior-and-Useful-Website-Designs/589640/1
Friday, July 9, 2010
Social Media Optimization - Building Social Channels to Increase Website Traffic
Social Media Optimization (SMO) involves the methods to optimize a site so that it is effectively linked to social media networks and becomes visible in social media searches. After reading the statement above, one can easily draw close parallels between SMO and SEO. The only difference is that the former targets the traffic from social media and the latter improves chances of obtaining search engine traffic. Interestingly, SMO has a positive contribution in enhancing the website’s search engine ranking as well.
SMO should be the integral part of a website’s Search Engine Reputation Management. A search engine optimization agency would integrate SMO with SEO to achieve targets like online marketing and brand building. Alongside, there are many other targets that online businesses achieve through SMO:
• Product and service development by receiving customer feedback.
• Building long term customer relationships.
• Getting genuine product reviews from the real customers.
• Building an easy communication channel with customers and so on.
SMO methodology makes use of the following two ways:
• Utilization of tools like RSS feeds, information sharing buttons, polling tools and videos and images to help the content travel through social media.
• Building a strong presence at social networks like Facebook and Twitter and using blogs and social bookmarking.
It is easy to compare social media optimization with viral marketing, though the former has much wider scale than the latter. SMO targets millions of people meeting and interacting at social media networks, making it easy for the website to reach masses and appear in social media searches.
To further understand the importance of SMO, here is an interesting analysis by two companies Syncapse and Hotspex. According to this analysis, the average value of a Facebook fan is $136.38.
A series of attributes have been used to reach this figure:
• Facebooks fans spend on average $71.84 more than the non-fans.
• Facebook fans are expected are 28% more loyal towards a product than the non-fans.
• 68% of the Facebook fans are likely to recommend a product further.
• 81% of Facebook fans develop bonding with a brand.
It is the powerful nature of SMO that keeps social media users worthy customers of various online businesses.
Here are some other interesting facts about SMO that have surfaced in the past few years:
• More than 80% of the B2B (business to business) companies and over 65% of the B2C (business to customer) companies have accounts on social media websites.
• Nearly 75% of B2B companies use Twitter.
• More than 37% of buyers ask questions on social networking websites before purchasing products.
So, SMO achieves great business results when done in the right manner and with complete determination. EXL Interactive offers social media optimization services to create brand value of online businesses in different domains. Apart from being a SEO Company India, the company also deals in SEO, PPC marketing and other online marketing techniques.
Article Source :- http://www.buzzle.com/articles/social-media-optimization-building-social-channels-to-increase-website-traffic.html
SMO should be the integral part of a website’s Search Engine Reputation Management. A search engine optimization agency would integrate SMO with SEO to achieve targets like online marketing and brand building. Alongside, there are many other targets that online businesses achieve through SMO:
• Product and service development by receiving customer feedback.
• Building long term customer relationships.
• Getting genuine product reviews from the real customers.
• Building an easy communication channel with customers and so on.
SMO methodology makes use of the following two ways:
• Utilization of tools like RSS feeds, information sharing buttons, polling tools and videos and images to help the content travel through social media.
• Building a strong presence at social networks like Facebook and Twitter and using blogs and social bookmarking.
It is easy to compare social media optimization with viral marketing, though the former has much wider scale than the latter. SMO targets millions of people meeting and interacting at social media networks, making it easy for the website to reach masses and appear in social media searches.
To further understand the importance of SMO, here is an interesting analysis by two companies Syncapse and Hotspex. According to this analysis, the average value of a Facebook fan is $136.38.
A series of attributes have been used to reach this figure:
• Facebooks fans spend on average $71.84 more than the non-fans.
• Facebook fans are expected are 28% more loyal towards a product than the non-fans.
• 68% of the Facebook fans are likely to recommend a product further.
• 81% of Facebook fans develop bonding with a brand.
It is the powerful nature of SMO that keeps social media users worthy customers of various online businesses.
Here are some other interesting facts about SMO that have surfaced in the past few years:
• More than 80% of the B2B (business to business) companies and over 65% of the B2C (business to customer) companies have accounts on social media websites.
• Nearly 75% of B2B companies use Twitter.
• More than 37% of buyers ask questions on social networking websites before purchasing products.
So, SMO achieves great business results when done in the right manner and with complete determination. EXL Interactive offers social media optimization services to create brand value of online businesses in different domains. Apart from being a SEO Company India, the company also deals in SEO, PPC marketing and other online marketing techniques.
Article Source :- http://www.buzzle.com/articles/social-media-optimization-building-social-channels-to-increase-website-traffic.html
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